12. 6. 2023

Grški melodični death metalci AmongRuins so posneli besedilni videospot za pesem Tear Me Apart, ki je del njihovega prihajajočega albuma Land of the Black Sun. Ta bo vseboval osem komadov:

Tear Me Apart
End of My Fall
Shattered Times
Our Destructive Tide
Wells of War
Suffer for Credence
Forever the Signs
Land of the Black Sun

5. 6. 2023

Francoski moderni power metalci Asylum Pyre so posneli videospot za pesem Underneath Heartskin z aktualnega albuma Call Me Inhuman (The Sun - The Fight - part 5).

2. 6. 2023

Simfonični black metalci The Circle iz Nemčije napovedujejo drug album z naslovom Of Awakening. Ta naj bi izšel 18. avgusta pri založbi AOP Records, seznam komadov pa je sledeč:

Ruins, My Dying World
Of Awakening (feat. Tim Charles of Ne Obliviscaris)
Reign of the Black Sun
Ashes and Fading Tides

1. 6. 2023

Melodičarji Before The Dawn predstavljajo nov video za skladbo Dying Sun. To je sploh prvi live video zasedbe, nastal pa je 19. maja v Lahtiju. Kmalu bo izšel tudi njihov nov dolgometražec z naslovom Stormbringers.

18. 5. 2023

Organizatorji legendarnega festivala Bang Your Head sporočajo, da se je ta za vedno poslovil. Več podrobnosti lahko preberete v izjavi organizatorja:

THAT WAS IT! Hello friends, it is with a heavy heart that we are writing these lines. But there is no other way. We really gave and did everything we could to finally catch up with celebrating the big BANG YOU HEAD!!! anniversary in 2023, and eagerly anticipated this summer like no other. But: We alone, unfortunately, did not have control over creating the circumstances needed to set up an event of this caliber with the requirement to quality connected to the name BANG YOUR HEAD!!! and actually make it happen. A lot changed in the past three years and not a lot of it was and is good. All in all, it can and must be said: The whole scene changed, and the preconditions for organizing an open-air event in Balingen are completely different in 2023 than they were in 2019 – also from an economic perspective. All in all, we thus come to the conclusion, even if it is incredibly sad, that there are too many factors and forces working against us, and pushing through to organize an event at any cost would cause more losses for us and others involved than putting an end to it now. And this is how it is now: The BANG YOUR HEAD!!! 2023 can and will NOT take place. Due to the abovementioned reasons which we can’t describe in further detail due to reasons that are hopefully understandable, there is no viable path that we can take responsibility for aside from calling off the big anniversary party in Balingen. We hope for your understanding and thank everybody from the bottom of our hearts that supported us, believed in us, and kept their tickets or even bought new ones. Especially for you we tried everything to finally raise the BANG YOUR HEAD!!! flag again over the Swabian Alb, but it seems like it was not meant to be. And to make sure to avoid any potential misunderstandings: There will be no more BANG YOUR HEAD!!! festivals in the future. This was it. Because we know that many of you waited for the BYH!!! this year with immense anticipation, we intensely tried to come up with a way to marginally make up for the cancellation of the event. So, we had an idea for a ticket exchange to the ROCK OF AGES festival 2023 which you can read up on in the detailed statement on www.bang-your-head.de. Of course, we will also reimburse the purchasing price to everybody who would like to return their tickets – irrespective of which of the past years the tickets for 2023 were purchased. We will inform you about the detailed process shortly through our channels. We want to thank you once again for your support at all 24 festivals and we would be thrilled to greet you as part of the LOYAL ONES in Seebronn on 28th June! Stay heavy! Horst and the BANG YOUR HEAD!!!-Team

18. 5. 2023

Ekstremneži World Eater so podpisali s Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, pri katerih bo 16. junija izšel njihov album An Insidious Remedy. Naslovi komadov, ki so se znašli na albumu, so sledeči:

Insidious Remedy
In Becoming God
Gardener Of Men
Ascend, The Iron Moon
Rend The Earth, Asunder
The Immaculate Calamity

Avtorica: Tina Urek
12. 5. 2023

Kanadčani Thantifaxath ponujajo v poslušanje skladbo Mind of the Sun, ki je že tretji single s prihajajočega, težko pričakovanega drugega albuma Hive Mind Narcosis. Ta izide 2. junija pri založbi Dark Descent Records.

11. 5. 2023

Kultni Virgin Steele so objavili nov single Spiritual Warfare. Njihov prihajajoči studijski album The Passion Of Dionysus bo izšel 30. junija pri SPV/Steamhammer. Komadi na albumu so sledeči:

The Gethsemane Effect
You'll Never See The Sun Again
A Song Of Possession
The Ritual Of Descent
Spiritual Warfare
Black Earth & Blood
The Passion Of Dionysus
To Bind & Kill A God
Unio Mystica
I Will Fear No Man For I Am A God

Avtorica: Tina Urek
26. 4. 2023

Danes bodo v Orto Baru nastopili finski melodični temačneži Swallow The Sun. Kot posebni gostje so se turneji pridružili švedski doom metalci Avatarium, mesto predvozačev pa je pripadlo prav tako melodičnim temačnežem Shores Of Null iz Italije. Dogodek ni razprodan, tako da boste zamudniki lahko svoje vstopnice kupili ob vstopu v dvorano po ceni 25 EUR.

Takšna pa je časovnica dogodka:
19.00 vrata
19.30 Shores Of Null
20.25 Avatarium
21.30 Swallow The Sun

Avtorica: Tina Urek
21. 4. 2023

Kanadčani Vortex so objavili video za skladbo First Blood. Ta se nahaja na prihajajočem albumu z naslovom The Future Remains in Oblivion, ki prihaja na police 9. junija in prinaša naslednje komade:

From the Sun 05:24 Downfall
The Fool
The Walls
Our Possible End
First Blood
The Future Remains in Oblivion
When No More Words Will Be Heard

12. 4. 2023

Italijanski doom metal projekt Where The Sun Comes Down napoveduje album z naslovom Necropolis Railway. Album izide 14. aprila pri založbi Minotauro Records, pred izidom pa lahko prisluhnete singlu Wait For The Pain.

11. 4. 2023

Po velikem uspehu ob izidu prvenca What The Water Wants iz leta 2019 bo Ray Adler (Fates Warning) izdal svoj drugi solo album, enostavno naslovljen II. Ta bo izšel 9. junija pri InsideOut Music in bo obsegal devet komadov:

This Hollow Shell
My Oblivion
Hands Of Time
Waiting For Some Sun
Silence The Enemy
Keep Wandering
Those Words I Bled

Avtorica: Tina Urek
5. 4. 2023

Po tem, ko so ameriški melodičarji Hämärä podpisali z Wormholedeath Records in najavili ponovni izid albuma Ivory Tower, so se odločili, da posnamejo videospot za komad Under The Sun. Ta je del omenjene plošče.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
30. 3. 2023

NWOBHM zasedba Raven bo 30. junija pri Silver Lining Music izdala svoj že petnajsti studijski album. Naslovnili so ga All Hell's Breaking Loose ter predstavili že njegovo naslovnico, naslove komadov in prvi single Go for the Gold.

Surf The Tsunami
Turn Of The Screw
All Hell's Breaking Loose
The Far Side
Desperate Measures
Victory's Call
Edge of a Nightmare
Go for the Gold

Avtorica: Tina Urek
30. 3. 2023

Nemška zasedba Antirope je podpisala pogodbo z založbo Eclipse Records, pri kateri bo izšel zasedbin debitantski studijski album Amnesia. Datum izida je 30. junij, naslovi komadov pa so sledeči:

Is This The End
Black Or Two
Dead Sun
Beautiful Liar
Give Me More
Time Is A Killer
Everything You Are

Avtorica: Tina Urek
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
27. 6. 2024
Basinfirefest 2024
Spálené Poříčí, Češka Republika
28. 6. 2024
ODPOVEDANO!Cahn Fest 2024
Kipe v Trbovljah
29. 6. 2024
Sportarena, Budimpešta, Madžarska
29. 6. 2024
Black Ritual Graz 2024: Arkona, Irdorath, Blessmon, Karner, Synkende, Draugr
Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija